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Wednesday, March 21, 2007



Hmm... I like this... still letting it sink in...


Emma - thanks for the comment. Yes this is one of those quotes that you can ponder on for quite a while!

Graeme Clark

I like Hauerwas when he says:

reconciliation is when your enemy tells you your story and you say "yes, that is my story."

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Heard today at meeting of Scottish Centre for Christian Spiritualty at SBC, and in discussion about George MacLeod and Iona community, 'the Church likes the idea of justice in general, but not when it is made particular'...this is just so right...justice yes - equality for women - NO....Justice yes...fairer deal for asylum seelers...No....Justice Yes....Trident...YES! (hello! ...and so on...I think I better get off your blog cause I am ranting...


Graeme - thanks for your comment.


Stuart - is this not true about many things and reminds me of conversations recently had about the split between belief and practice.

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