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Friday, January 26, 2007



Very interesting. Much to mull over.

Thanks to both you Brodie, and John.

Graeme Clark

Again, thanks to both you Brodie, and John for this really helpful interview.

Like John I share a deep concern that when we talk about the 'other' we do so in a way which is accurate, loving and inclusive and not ignorant, angry and over-against. I will pray that "that God would help us to develop missional apologetic approaches to NRM’s that will be used by others in a manner that works with what God is already doing in people’s lives, rather than against it."

John Smulo

Toni and Graeme,

Thank you both for your encouraging feedback. I'm glad to see that we share the same concern.


Thanks again for the opportunity to do the interview.

Steve Hayes

I've put a link to this in the New Religious Movements discussion forum. Hope you don't mind.


It's kind of funny, but whilst John's time at theological college overlapped with mine, we didn't know each other back then (I've always been a somewhat low-profile character anyway). It's really been through the blogosphere and email that we've come to find out about each other's stories.

Thanks for the interview!

John Smulo

Hey Fernando,

Better late than never :-)


Brodie - thanks for this insightful interview. John - thanks for your openness.

John Lunt

Great interview. Interesting, while many in Christian circles see these movements as a risk, I really am hopeful. It says to me that they are looking for something, more than they've experienced. They are looking for something supernatural... I believe whether they know it or not, they are looking for God. If the church will recover both it's full redemptive and supernatural heritage, many of these people would see the real Jesus and fall in love with him.


Toni - Thanks for your comments. I glad that it's given you some stuff to mull over.


Graeme - glad you found the interview helpful - hey we look forward to when you join us in blogging as I'm sure many of you could benifit from your thoughts.


Steve - I don't mind the link at all and trust that those who use it will be encouraged by John and learn from him.


Fernando - hey that's wierd to think of you and John being at college together but not connecting back then. I've really appreciated both your blogs and the fact that you reguarly comment here.


Phil - cheers, but the thanks really goes to John for being up for doing this.


John - I think there's certainly something in what you say, that many people are on a spiritual quest but would never think that Christianity / the church has anything to offer. I too am optomistic that as we learn how to engage with people in NRM's so they will find peace in Jesus.


John - once again thanks for taking part in this interview and for sharing with us.


I'd be keen to see what John's take on that is; for me it says something about the college we studying at.

John Smulo

Thanks to everyone for your encouraging comments!

John Smulo


Maybe it had something to do with the college. But I think it may have especially had to do with us not taking any classes together that I could remember. I think you were two years a head of me.

I knew who you were--the really smart guy who I'm sure got better marks than me! I wish we would have had the opportunity to have got to know each other more in person.


John, you pretty much summed it up. At college I only ever got to know people in silos and even then, the year gap thing was pronounced. I didn't get to know a lot of people in my year because since I started part time, I did all my theology and half my bible subjects with the years ahead of me.

But one of the things I always thought was broken, compared to other small theological colleges, was mealtimes. I ate a couple of times in the college dining hall, but it was rough. At lunchtimes, I would walk to Macquarie Centre, or take a drive to Eastwood/Chatswood/Balmain, wherever, to lunch.


Thanks for writing this.

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